Two Home Stay Days
Hey there...Short update :
>> still haven't figured out how to upload pics... probably can only do it on Saturday (gotta ask Brad)
>> just installed ICQ and Skype, so I'm ready for communication on other levels, too.... :-)
>> found out that I passed my English SUK 4 course!!!!! (seems like I even got a 3?!?! Which is a 1++ in my world ;-) by now)
The last two days, we mainly stayed at home as the weather was quite bad here (rainy, gray all the time...) and played with the kids inside, but also went for walks every day (I'm so glad the Brad and Kathleen are this kind of people, they really try to animate the kids always to do such things instead of watching TV, and in fact they really enjoy going for a walk or riding their bikes, playing on the swingset,etc)
In the morning, we played with a new "Play-Doh" set the kids got from their grandmother, which the just loved! For me, it was rather dull to do the same things again and again after like 3 it's okay, as long as they enjoy it and are smiling all the time... : )
Yesterday Brad and Kat went out from after lunch until about 6 o'clock (mall, watched a movie -> first time in a long while) and I stayed at home with all three kids for the first time!! > now that was an afternoon! ! !
I thought that would be great, cause I could just enjoy a free afternoon, calling my parents, reading, writing e-mails.....but NO!
Usually, the kids are supposed (and really manage!) to sleep from like 2.30 until about 4 or 5, but of course, yesterday, when there was only me to watch them, they all woke up early and wouldn't stop crying and screaming and jumping around and making a mess!! I mean, it wasn't that terrible, cause as soon as I had brought all three down into the family room, they were playing nicely together....but my break was gone! No calls, no e-mails...just playing, changing diapers and cleaning kids until the parents came home...
But I have to say I really needed this afternoon to figure things out, how to do everything on my own with them and so... I think it worked out quite well in fact.
And today, we did this Play-Doh thing again in the morning and later on I went for a walk with Ryan and Ashley before having lunch. We took the "big loop" around the neighborhood, which I really enjoyed as I love looking at all the beautiful houses (well, you know, the USB connection ;-))
In the afternoon, all of the kids were sleeping much longer than yesterday, THANK we adults had some time to relax... although Ryan started making a scene again after getting up, just because he wanted to go to "Point Pleasant" (=kids' adevnture park) but that wasn't planned for today...
Well, the end of the day was very nice again as we went to a good restaurant just some minutes from here, all together. I had "egg+cheese+ham breakfast wraps", which were great!
After that, we drove through a really nice neighborhood which is even outnumbering our's - although I thought that's not possible!!! But it REALLY looked like a Beverly Hills area.....and in fact, we drove by the house "Queen Latifa" is said to live in (although I just know the name - who is she????)
Well, after this little staring-out-of-the-window-trip we also went to a playground not far from our neighborhood, where there is also a "sprayground" (Michi -> I htink it's the same one you went to last time!) This was really nice! The weather was nice again and the kids enjoyed running around and playing! We really had a lot of fun, and I was so RELIEVED to get out of the house again for a while.... and to be surrounded by a lot of trees again
EXPAT INFO> I am missing forests here! (you know, I grew up in Murau...) apart from austrian bread and friends... ;-)
Okay, that was it for today...I can't sit on this chair anymore for
Gotta go to bed....please pray for me that Bradey, the baby, will be nice and behaving tomorrow, as I will probably stay at home watching him while the rest of the gang spend the day at the beach (after a very long time, too)
Thanks for reading..... :-))
Have a nice day - see you soon
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