Sunday, July 2 - First Day Off!!!
My first Sunday in NJ was really a great day, I had the chance to get to know the O'Shaughnessy family Michaela is staying with, as I was invited to come with them to Brick (at least I think it was called like that) where we went JET-SKIING (had never done that before!!!) at a river (which looked just like a beach at the sea in fact!)
That was really fun!! First, I wen twith Chris, Kevin's brother, and then MIchaela and me went together on a longer Jet-Ski "trip".... At the beginning, I was a bist scared as these things can go like really really fast, and if you hit the waves you think you'll drown every second,lol, but then I liked it and I will never forget that day! ;-)
Look at us here....
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