Aloha!!! Yesterday - Saturday, July 29 - we had a big family reunion and a very nice barbecue at our house! We were about 20 people - grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, kids, friends, .... especially all the kids were so cute, as there were three girls of almost the same age, three boys of Ryan's age, and two babies.... :-) So, we had a lot of fun watching them... I even got the chance to talk German to two of the guests! I learned that one of Kathleen's uncle's grand-parents were Austrian, and so he tried to think of all the German words he still remembered (I think he was quite good!) and another woman had lived in Switzerland for half a year. Besides that, I got to know a Japanese girl, which was very interesting, too, and had the best brownies ever.... :-)
Well, here you can see the pics of the day... our backyard full of people.... : )
.......................................................yummy....Ryan and his cousin eating, no gorging chips! the Japanese girl, Chamie, and little cute Gracie
again chips monsters................and Kathleen's mother with one of her other granddaughters It was Auntie Anne's birthday - a pic with all the little ones................and a girlie table..... ;-) Today - Sunday, July 30 - I d i d n o t h a v e o f f, which was quite a shock for me at first!!! (I am sure you can imagine!) Actually, I wanted to go o the beach with Michaela, but then Kathleen and Brad decided to swap my day off to Saturday, so my presence at the bbq yesterday was considered as "having off" - what a fraud! But, you know, laws in the US must not be ignored or disputet - especially NOT BY AN AUSTRIAN AU PAIR....and NOT IN A STATE WHERE THE DEATH PENALTY IS STILL CARRIED OUT!!!!! *shiver* I just gave in and spent the day with them (more than necessary, of course as both of the parents were at home....?!?!) which meant lying next to the pool in the morning (okay, I clearly survived this task :-P) cause I didn't want to go in yet, due to my cold; and playing outside in the afternoon... Well, quite a "hang around -Sunday", but not as bad as I had imagined it before... The evening, it was in fact really nice as we spent it all together in the backyard, playing and chatting, and the temperature was just perfect! Evenings here in NJ are generally so nice, I love to spend them outside....the air is so nice then, not too hot anymore with a little breeze.... What's more, tonight, there weren't any clouds in the sky so I could see all those airplanes flying to JFK and EWR airports....and I just love watching airplanes in a blue sky, I always liked the imagination of people sitting there in this tiny white spot in the sky, undergoing going on an exiting trip to somewhere!!!
salut tout le monde! Just a very short update about the last week here: it started in AC (as you can see in the previous entry) with a lot of fun.. during the week, I mostly stayed at home watching Brady (while Ryan was at summercamp and Kathleen ran errands/ they all went to the beach/ etc) Last night and the night before we went to the playground all together, what I enjoyed very's really nice there, the atmosphere is so pleasant, and the kids love it of course! Unfortunately I've been a little bit ill since Wednesday, my throat is aching, my nose is running and I've got a bad cough.... perfect in NJ ?!, where it's hot and humid outside and too cold because of the a/c I hope I'll be well again soon, as there'll be a big family reunion + barbecure tomorrow at our place, and Michi and me would like to go to the beach again on Sunday... Well, I hope you're all doing good and I'll see you (+first hear of you) soon!!!!
Love, Elis
yummy.....Ashley and her friends at lunch time.. ; ) at the playground Thursday - pool was opened again after 2 and a half weeks!! me...and my cold..
HEY YA!! ...we spent two awesome days in AC until yesterday! We had the chance to join Caitlin's 21st birthday party (Caitlin = gf of Michaela's family's nephew) which meant going to Atlantic City in a LIMOUSINE, staying at the TROPICANA HOTEL right by the sea for free, gambling (although we're not 21 yet), going out, drinking, partying, having FUN!! Here are some of the pics (again we took lots, you can't imagine!) - more tomorrow!